Tuesday, July 4, 2017


今天我想要写一篇文章,关于我和欧爸的故事。两个人谈恋爱在一起,如果和你们说我们每天都这么的甜,没有口角,没有争执,没有吵架。这些都是骗人的。每个人的性格天生就不同,而把不同的两个人撮合在一起 那必然会有争执。没有一个人是100分。最重要的是两个人要互相迁就,忍让。每天腻在一起的家人都会有争执,更何况两个来自不同家庭的人呢?每天在一起的情侣都会吵架,更何况远距离恋爱呢?不能随心所欲的想见对方就见,也不能任性的和对方发脾气要他来见我。毕竟远距离就是不能像普通情侣那样生活。但是远距离还是有好处的。只要我们坚信,只要我们克服了远距离恋爱,我们就离幸福不远了。

这几天,也不知道怎么了,心里莫名的没安全感,完完全全处于焦虑状态。然后就会一直烦欧爸,一直找架吵。欧爸其实也蛮辛苦的。毕竟原本工作都那么忙了(他是名auditor),现在他又刚升职,工作量肯定增加了,压力也就比之前的大很多。也不知道是不是因为快过热恋期了,哈哈 都听人家说男生过了热恋期就不会像热恋期那样了。女生通常就会觉得啊他是不是不爱我了呢?是不是厌倦我了呢?等等。



然后每次这样吵架沟通后,我都会超没安全感的。我也不知道要怎么办。我觉得吧,我自己不会谈恋爱。哈哈。所以我现在也在学习,欧爸在工作上蛮压力的了,我不想他放工后还要面对我给的压力。所以我要努力改变。为我爱的人改变。0.5+0.5=1 至于没安全感这事,我也就和自己说顺其自然,是你的就是你的,不是你的抓得再紧还是会跑。




- 畢 - 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Day We Meet

I'm here to apologize to all of you for being not updating my blog frequently.
We finally meet up after 2 months!!!
It's exactly right after my peak season and he applied leave to fly over here to have a short reunion :)

We meet during the past four days from last Saturday (24/06/17) until Monday (27/06/17). It was still like a dream for me whenever I think of it. 
Alright, let's start my story of this short reunion.

On the last Saturday, I still have to work. So he will take a taxi from the airport to Melaka. Okay. I will admit I was so happy and nervous to meet him since I woke up and went to work. WHOLE DAY nervous.. I was kept on watching the time to pass and it's feel like "what the hxxx why are the time going so slow today?!" haha. When the time getting closer, my heart are beating damn fast especially when he sent me message and called me through Kakao and said, "Yuhan, I'm arrived at your company." Oh my God, I should calm down. This is what I kept on telling myself that time.

It was already 6pm++ and I brought him to visit my company and I left him alone to have a look in my company and I will continue doing my work. After that, we was heading for the dinner with my family. But unfortunately I don't feel like taking any dinner so I was just taking a glass of red wine and TomYam Soup. After the dinner, we went to have supper "Satay Celup" as I told them I wish to have a Satay Celup. BUT, I feel I am abnormal. I can usually eat many sticks of the satay celup, I think at least 20 sticks but I was just ate NOT more than 10 sticks. I was thinking about what happened on me, is it I am going to sick? but I don't feel any unwell, thus I just thought maybe because I am so long didn't meet him. I feel so strange on him and nervous....

After that we went to buy "Putu Piring" and send him back to his hotel.

During my sleep time, I starting to feel something wrong with my body. I feel like I want to vomit and diarrhea. I was like "Please God, don't make me sick at this moment, my honey just flown over here to have a nice trip with me, I cannot spoil it. God bless me. Please~~" But seems like God didn't heard my prays. I woke up and vomited. Then starting to feel more unwell all the way on the highway from Melaka to KL. Conclusion: Fever + Vomit + Diarrhea 

Alright, my actual plan on Sunday was having an one day trip to Colmar Tropicale Berjaya Hills (France Village) located in Pahang. But all spoiled... I cannot bear the sickness and we decided to stay in hotel all day to rest to make my illness recover. My Sunday end like this. TT 
But even though I feel sad I couldn't enjoy the trip on my Sunday. I feel my honey taking care of me that much when I am sick. It's so touching. I feel grateful to have you in my life. Thank you oppa and also sorry because I spoiled your holiday. Fortunately, because of his caring whole day of me. I am recovered in a short time.

So we went to the France Village on the next day. Of course, we took a lot of photos and I will show you guys after I finish up my story. France Village is absolutely a great place to take photos especially for those pre-wedding photo album. The views are just breathtaking and the weather are just nice. There is only some repentant for me which is there is a huge crowd of people. Therefore, I couldn't have a nice portrait with my honey. TT However, overall was good.

Around evening, we head back to the hotel. oh ya~ The hotel we stay for 3 days 2 nights is St. Giles Hotel The Gardens. We decided to stay in there due to there is two shopping malls. Haha.. Actually, these two shopping malls (The Gardens and Midvalley) are my favorite malls in KL. That's not the main point actually. I was just so lazy to think where to go by driving on the road. So I rather choose here so I can fully enjoy the life with my honey with no wasting any single time on drive. You know~ Time is extremely precious for us. I want to fully fill up our sweet memories with that little time limit till we meet again. 

After that, all is about eating, shopping and movie. Those activities might seems so normal to all of you but it seems super duper precious for us. We can't just like other normal couple having a movie date or any dinner date anytime in anywhere. After this time, we have to wait maybe after another 1month? 2months? we just can have this kind of normal, simple yet meaningful dates again. 

As you know, the joyful and happy periods always passed as fast as lighting. It's time to send oppa off to airport. I felt down in the dumps seriously. This is the fact that every long distance relationship couple would experience. Even though it's hard for me to just let him go like this. I will bear and keep on bear in mind. "The bitter must comes before the sweet" I believe if we pass through all this kind of difficulties. We will live happily and have a happy ending. At the end, nothing can defeat us. I do always tell myself. 

So for those who are experiencing the long distance relationship lover, please bear in mind don't just give up easily. There is always an ups and downs in a relationship. Those ups and downs will be your sweet and meaningful memories in the future. With those ups and downs, you will be more appreciate this relationship. 

"Not see the hope to insist, but insisted then will see the hope."

- The End -

Thursday, June 8, 2017




歐巴這四天和同事朋友們結伴去日本了。雖然他還是會信息我。但是畢竟他是去旅遊。我也不要他一直信息我而無法好好和他的朋友同事們一起享受過程。我忍忍忍!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

另外,歐巴的國家的文化原本就是重輩份。超級重輩份的說。他們一般不會在聚會等玩電話。而我的國家卻是相反的。我記得今年農曆新年,我和我的堂兄妹們一起去吃宵夜,我就和歐巴信息,當他知道我和他們一起時,他說我不應該按電話而不理他們。然後我說又不是只有我一個人按啊,我就拍照給他看。怎麼知道他看了,他很生氣!**生氣的時候蠻可愛的哈哈** 他就說你們怎麼可以這樣,很沒禮貌你們知道嗎?! 既然你們都想按電話,那幹嘛還約出來?! 我就說這是馬來西亞人的文化,到處都可以看到這個現象。他說這現象在韓國根本看不到,然後還說這現象真像十年前的韓國啊! **我暈~歐巴你的意思是說我們國家很落後是嗎? haiz** 後來他說我真的不應該這樣,他還說以後見到他們要罵罵他們了。。ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ哎唷 歐巴你怎麼這麼可愛啊~~後來他來馬來西亞之後,他真的發現到在馬來西亞就是這種現象。他也在馬來西亞慢慢習慣了。。。

回歸正題,所以呢他也就不方便一直和我信息了啊。加上平日我也有在工作,時間比較難配合。現在晚上在日本和同事們同房,那就更不方便了啊。我昨天告訴歐巴說:“怎麼辦,我已經習慣了和你視頻入眠的,這三天是不是不能視頻了。” 歐巴說:“比較難視頻,對不起。但是我可以戴耳機打電話給你一起入睡,只是不能視頻。” 但是我拒絕了他。。因為我覺得我應該要學習獨立的。加油!


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Combination Date

我和歐巴無法像其他情侶一樣每天膩在一起,或是偶爾見見面等。這些談戀愛看似平凡至極的約會卻是我和歐巴最嚮往的。但是既然我們倆選擇了彼此,就注定了要在短期間遠距離戀愛了。我們也只能天天和電話電腦螢幕談戀愛,天天視頻互相爭著說誰比較想誰等。所以,我們就想到了這個"combination date",雖然網上有流傳著那些情侶分隔兩地拍照然後合併一起的照片,但我不知道明確的名字是什麼。所以我和歐巴就決定稱塔為"combination date"。

我們就會約個時間來個combination date, 來個午餐約會還是晚餐約會還是一起去賞櫻花...
好笑的是,每次彼此自己一個人在外拿著電話視頻對方,邊吃飯邊視頻,旁人都會用異樣的眼光看著我們,心裡想說:“奇怪,怎麼這女生吃個飯都要視頻等等等。。。” 剛開始我也覺得蠻尷尬的,後來也就慢慢習慣了。呵呵

再來,我們蠻久沒有combination date了。我們倆每次都說要來個combination date,但到最後都辦不成。因為彼此時間不同也各忙各的。然而今天我們倆終於來了個久違的combination date~ 今天原本和歐巴約好是吃晚餐的,結果歐巴在昨天提醒我說今天有個午餐約會,我覺得怪怪的,我記得我和他說過是晚餐啊 因為我這整個六月星期日都有工作啊。結果他告訴我晚餐不行因為剛剛和同事有約了。。(什麼嘛。。ㅠㅠㅠㅠ。。是我先約的耶。) 心想算了吧 下次吧,我就和歐巴說那下次吧 我不行耶午餐。然後他說沒關係他會推掉他同事,但被我拒絕了。但是皇天不負有心人,呵呵,我剛好下午店裡沒什麼人(自己家族生意,剛好碰到peak season所以會忙到不知何時才能吃飯),我就快速的告訴歐巴我能去吃午餐了,結果我們倆就選了麥當勞 - 漢堡 


以下再放上之前的combination date -- 午餐,晚餐,茶點和賞櫻。
午餐  - Pizza Hut

茶點 - 貢茶

Friday, June 2, 2017


从来不曾想过自己会有一段异国恋, 事情发生时真的吓到我了..
我当下不知如何是好,在台湾留学时也不曾想过交个外国男友,现在却交了个外国男友而且还是个欧巴.. 种种的问题从我脑袋蹦出来.. 沟通问题等等等..我自认我不是哈韩一族..但是就是想不通这事怎么的就发生在我身上了..

那一年,我们俩就这样遇见了... 朋友聊天,聊着聊着就这样了...

很庆幸的是他不曾给我压力,不曾逼我... 只和我说时间会证明一切,慢慢来他能等.. 他说就算我要借此考验他,他也无所谓.. 时间时间就这样过去了, 他很奇怪的是,是他慢慢的把我心里封闭已久的心给打开(之前受情伤,不敢再相信爱情), 是他让我感觉到前所未有的安全感尽管我们两个现在个别在不同的地方, 感觉真的很奇妙.. 就这样我们开始了...

现在的我们还在进行式,我不知道前面还有多少困难需要闯,但是我相信只要我们彼此坚信守候.. 我们是能克服所有难题的..


只是想单纯的分享生活的点滴, 我的感情世界, 烘焙世界和我的人生... ><